Monday, September 9, 2013


My husband doesn't read my blog - he says it is his way of giving me full disclosure. He assumes I write about him, and I think that's cute. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of blog worthy moments that include him, I just don't make it a habit of airing them to the public. While typically I focus my efforts on myself and my toddler, I thought I would humor him today - in honor of his 30th birthday.

30 Reasons why I know you are a keeper.....

1. You are an optimist - something a realist like me desperately needs in her life. You have a way of finding the bright side when I need it most. That gives me hope - not only that things will get better, but that someday your optimism will wear off on me and I too will naturally find the silver lining.
2. Those dimples - I have loved them since the first time I saw you.
3. Your infectious laugh - it is loud and from the belly and so contagious!
4. You eat anything - from raw beef in Mexico to the shit in a pot I make for supper. If it's food, you eat it.
5. You like to drive, in silence - which means that I don't have to feel guilty about sleeping the entire way to our destination.
6. You know how to utilize every square inch of a trailer/uhaul/storage area - which makes packing much more efficient.
7. You are an electrician, plumber, contractor, carpet layer, tile gluer, deck builder, wall knocker outer and more....
8. You make me laugh.
9. I believe you when you tell me that you think I am beautiful.
10. You support me in pretty much every thing I aspire to do - and help guide me to things I didn't have on my list.
11. You have the gift of gab and can talk to anyone about anything.
12. You don't like to hunt.
13. You aren't a sports fanatic, but you'll watch a game or two occasionally.
14. Your compassion and empathy.
15. You tan faster than anyone I have ever known...which has it's benefits in foreign countries.
16. You'll try anything once.
17. You are a horrible liar. Even the small little fibs that are meant for good are extremely difficult for you...
18. You are an excellent winter driver.
19. You make me feel safe, and stay pretty level headed in emergency situations.
20. You rock the drums - which is not only sexy, but has it's benefits in the industry:)
21. You are patient - especially when it comes to explaining things I just don't get in the construction world.
22. You deal with my home décor and paint choices - and generally seem to like them (please refer to 17).
23. You are secure with who you are - and peoples doubts and judgments don't change you.
24. You asked my family if you could marry me.
25. You are handsome.
26. You give amazing massages - and you don't complain about it. Well, to be truthful, you don't complain about much.
27. You know and understand when I need a break.
28. I can trust you with my heart.
29. While you may not understand it, you don't complain about my shoe fetish.
30. Mostly, you are an amazing father to our busy little boy. Family is everything, and I am thankful to have found an amazing person to start one with.

I could ramble all day about the reasons I love you. These are just a few -
I hope you have an amazing birthday:)