Thursday, July 18, 2013

Shape Shifting

Nineteen months ago I gave birth to an amazing little boy. During the 9 months of pregnancy, I was quickly able to pack on 50 pounds - mostly because eating was the only way I could control my nausea. But, I can't lie - there was something so freeing about eating whatever I wanted. I told myself that no one could judge me because I was growing an itty bitty tiny human - and he should not be denied. So, after the nausea passed, I continued to stuff my face. Now, here I sit, 19 months later and still suffering from those post partum baby pounds.

Let's just get one thing out in the open - getting into shape is almost as painful as the process of having a baby. Somehow, I doubt I am the only woman who feels this way.

I started out small - counting calories and watching my food intake. It took all the fun out of grocery shopping, something I used to really enjoy. Now it is simply a process, and a reminder of all the things I am denying myself. However, having been fairly committed to the process since the beginning of June, I can proudly say I am down 6 pounds. Not bad for 45 days, not quite the number I was hoping for. It is clear to me that denying myself Taco Bell, chips, creamer in my coffee, and as many 'unhealthy' foods as possible is not going to cut it. Recently, I started adding exercise - ouch. I keep telling myself that it will get better, but then I wake up the next day and my aching muscles remind me how far I have yet to go.

Three days ago I started a plank challenge. These people are crazy - actually I take that back, they are utterly insane. Anyone who can actually hold a plank for 5 minutes by day 30 - kudos to you. While I would like to be optimistic, the realist in me is accepting the fact that reaching that goal is not likely in my future. But every little bit counts right? So I continue at a pace that works for me. Unfortunately, I am doubtful it will lead to rock hard abs by the end of summer.

Slowly but surely....slowly but surely. One day at a time. I know I can do it, I know I will do it. Finding my rythym has been the tough part - but I am. Now it is about pushing myself, and remembering that no one will do it for me. There is no easy button for whipping a body back into shape - only motivation, dedication, and consistency. I pray every day for all three!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Flying with a Toddler 101

It's booked - a much needed escape from the winter that hasn't begun yet!!

It has been four years since we have been able to get back to Florida - the place where our story into wedded bliss began. It was on the beautiful Fort Myers beach where Luke presented me with a beautiful family heirloom, and proceeded to ask me to be his wife. I will never forget that trip - it was one of the best vacations of my life, if you don't include the 4 hour boat right from hell that involved losing our dinner. Though I had known long before that trip that Luke was my forever, he was always adamant that he wouldn't get married until 30, so I thought we had a few more years of living in sin in front of us. What a great surprise it was to find out that he had changed his mind.

Fast forward to January of 2014, and we are so excited to have a chance to return to the area. However, I must say I am also incredibly petrified. It will be the first time we navigate flying with a toddler. I know that there are people everywhere that do it all the time - truly, I am not convinced any of them have a toddler as busy and stubborn as mine. However, for those of you that have braved this adventure, please - I BEG OF YOU - share your secrets. What worked, and what didn't - what do you recommend, and what would you never do again? And, when January rolls around please say a prayer for us!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bubble Wrap

I think there comes a time where every parent wishes that they could bubble wrap their toddler. In fact, I wouldn't doubt that most of us wish it almost every day. We panic about them climbing chairs and falling off, falling down a set of stairs, slamming their fingers in a door, or pulling a shelf down on their head. We caution them not to run on uneven cement, and cringe when they don't listen. We beg them to watch where they are walking, and kiss away their owies when they don't.
What we typically do not worry about, is them tripping over their big toe, in the middle of the kitchen floor, and obtaining one of the worst injuries they have had to date. Yes, that is my kid. God gave him two feet, but apparently not the ability to use them correctly. (Please note - he has been running since November).

As a parent, there is nothing worse than the boo-boo you can't kiss away or the inconsolable cry that comes from such an injury. Yet, as difficult as it is, it is always somewhat refreshing to see how resilient toddlers are. They have this amazing ability to go from broken to fixed in the blink of an eye - and it makes you wonder. How in the world do they just push away the hurt, and go on like it never happened. However they do it, it amazes me every time.

Thankfully, I have a very resilient little boy - who is more worried about the wonders of the outdoors and the nearest slide, than the fact that he slammed face first into the kitchen cupboards. Now, here's to hoping for a tomorrow without any major injuries!!