Thursday, April 11, 2013


Change - there is a lot that can be said about it. For some, it is the hardest thing they can do - change even a small part of their lives. Others, live for change and for the new opportunites that come with it. I am somewhere in the middle.
Historically, I am the rearrange the furniture in your house every 3 months type of girl because I am sick of how it looks - and it is easier than the other options, moving or buying new furniture. It always made me feel refreshed, like I was in a brand new place. I have enjoyed changing my hair color on occasion - and because of that can honestly say that blondes do not have more fun. I have even embraced fashion trends I once despised because my opinion of them changed.

I am talking about change because right now I am living it, however it isn't the rearrange my living room on occasion type of change. On April 1st, after a very long and exhausting March of preparation, our house went onto the market. We moved in with my Mother-in-Law (bless her soul), she was even willing to open her door to our cat, George. Luke has already started his new job, and will soon officially have the title of breadwinner in our family! Officially, my last day of work is May 3rd - and then I begin a new line of work, stay at home mom.

Initially, I considered myself a horrible mother because the idea of staying at home with my child all day was not something I ever planned, or truly wanted to do. I know, I know - how awful of me, right? There was a reason I spent a small fortune on my education - I wanted to work, to have a career, and to secure retirement benefits. Most days, I love my job. I love making a difference in people's lives - no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. What I was missing, is that I have an amazing opportunity to make a difference in the life of my child. No longer will I be just a guest at the supper table - instead, for better or worse, I get an opportunity to really contribute to who my child will become. In that moment, I realized that is what really matters to me - not amazing health insurance and retirement, not a huge paycheck, and certainly not 8-5 hours. What matters is being an active part of my child's life, something most moms wish for. I am lucky enough to have that opportunity.

Change is what we are living. Starting in May, our family will become residents of the western half of North Dakota, and I will start the most important and rewarding full time job I will ever have. As it gets closer, I can honestly say I am growing more and more excited. Maybe I am not such a terrible mom afterall!